Golden Calcite

The mental body holds patterns of negativity and fear very firmly. These patterns of being then leak into the emotional, then the energetic bodies causing further ill-health, disharmony and disruption. The mission of Golden Calcite is to halt this process in its tracks.


By simultaneously working with mind and solar plexus, soul and human agenda, Golden Calcite calls on the directives of the Calcite mission. This being; firstly, a focus in on the area of dysfunctional patterning, secondly a clearing and an efficient healing of patterns held, lastly the instatement of a new pattern directly aligned with the souls etheric blueprint.

The optimum result being an entire overhaul of the mental functioning and personality / identity orientation. This mode of working is specific to the Calcite family.

The difference with this Calcite is; the golden yellow rays held therein propel one towards personal enlightenment and better mind-soul functioning/coordination.


Its work on the solar plexus, with continued use, can bring about much subsequent change in daily life, most especially regarding choices around career, the self and ways of living and being. Expect to feel good as its effects reach far into the emotional body.

Thoughts and feelings will be ripened with more sun, more optimism and more self-understanding and ones way in the world. Use on the outset of any new projects or to retrieve lost hope or positive thought-forms.

Cleanse under dawn sunlight / full or new moonlight

& with direct contact to the earth. 

Surface alters with persistent contact to water.

Keep out of direct sunlight.

Aligns with Crown, Third Eye, Heart, Solar Plexus chakras




Mohs' Scale

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