
A stone for the developing the ecstatic senses. Purifying the third eye, activating the causal chakra and stimulating the plethora of senses, Divine and human available to us, this tiny enthusiastic crystal is one to be celebrated in the gemstone family. The resplendent blue-turquoise colour of Cavansite omits rays of clarified positive delight, stirring new breakthrough thoughts, deep insights and solution filled ideas and readily bringing forth bursts of extra sensory excitement propelling you toward a new life experience.


Gifts accrued in lives past come to the surface in the awakening of a dormant causal chakra. This centre, a gateway of communication between you and your spirit guides grows in strength the more it is activated. Cavansite, in its buoyancy, presents itself to the world like an unfurling flower looking for the sun, it waits to bring forth its great gifts of sense and feeling. Use this stone to explore the Akashic records and all forms of meditative work.


Cavansite also works with the throat chakra in the drawing down of guidance received via the third eye/causal chakra interaction. The communication and translation of all that which is gleaned becomes more heart centred and more inspired in speech and expression.


Together with an anchor stone at the heart, Cavansite can work as a catalyst; as insight and inner knowing reveal themselves, the heart listens attentively and carries a wave of intent to the soul signalling its desires and needs. A heart vision may be inspired with a greater care for the Earth’s body and environment.

Cleanse under dawn sunlight / full or new moonlight

& with direct contact to the earth. 

Disintegrates if submerged into water.

Careful handling, fragile.

Aligns with Causal, Third Eye, Throat, Heart chakras




Mohs' Scale

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